
At MZI, We take the time to listen and ask questions to truly understand each one of our client’s business operating needs during each and every step. MZI Industrial also offers place for rent to do some sort of Business and provide building for manufacturing purpose.

MZI Industrial pledges to provide prompt services and Customer satisfaction.

Mission & Vision

  • To contribute significantly for building the new Kolkata and become the Kolkata most Valuable real estate organization.
  • To build the Top-class rated real-estate Organization. And we would like create the environment of the highest standards of Loyalty, Professionalism, quality and customer Satisfaction.

Our Core Values


We are constantly challenging ourselves to innovate in how we deliver our services.


We listen to the needs of our clients and work together to meet their goals. We put ourselves in your shoes and always act in our clients’ best interests.

Client First                          

MZI deals in Lands and Properties but focuses on Client’s First. The privilege we provide benefits client growing and being more productive.


We operate on a completely open-book and transparent basis. We do what we say and say what we mean.

Our Target

To stand in number position in the field of service, Customer Satisfaction
And absolute product delivery.